Training and help for attorneys from lawyer Janet Langjahr

Building a thriving law practice isn't hard. Staying healthy and work-life balanced while you're doing it is.

Janet Langjahr's bridge

The pandemic hasn't helped, of course. But you can still do this. Even if you need a little help.

So, now that I'm retired from practicing law, I'd like to help.

I ran my own South Florida law practice for seventeen years, after practicing for a number of years in larger northern law firms, including a stint at BigLaw.

I've been where you are and done what you do for a good while. And over the years, I figured some things out.

Would you like to figure things out faster?

Have a better law practice?

Be healthier and happier in it?

Much lighter, perhaps literally (like me) as well as figuratively?

Years Ago:    For Years Now:
Janet Langjahr years ago    Janet Langjahr 2022

Earn some CLE credits too?

Then you've come to the right place.

The Florida Bar has already approved the following course for continuing education credit.

I'll be happy to provide whatever you may need to apply for credit in any other jurisdictions.

I really want you to have the benefit of this training.

So it's on me. Absolutely free. No strings.

You have absolutely nothing to lose.

And, at the very least, you'll gain a f-r-e-e continuing legal education credit.

But I'm hoping you'll change your life. And your practice.

For the better. A whole lot better.

New session dates and times coming soon.


Janet Langjahr
6400 W. Boynton Beach Blvd., #740874
Boynton Beach, FL 33474-0874
(561) 600-1441

© 2022 Copyright by Janet Langjahr. This web site is owned exclusively by Janet Langjahr and all content on it is protected by US and international copyright laws.